The second Sunday of this month concludes two years of ministry together with you, our Calvary church family. As we begin our third year of ministry, we are just as excited and delighted to serve with you as we were on our first day! You continually amaze us with your generosity, encouragement, love, and support. Please know of our appreciation for every act of kindness, every word of encouragement, and every way you express your love to us and for us. 

The first Sunday of next month, October 7, is our 148th anniversary and homecoming. Rev. Benjamin Smoak, associate pastor and pastor of Calvary from 2002-2012, will be our speaker for the morning service. North Greenville University’s Joyful Sound will be our musical guests. Please mark this data on your calendar and begin now to make plans to be here and invite others. 

Fall will soon be here and with it cooler weather. Make a commitment now to be faithful in your attendance, service, and stewardship in this coming church year. God will bless and honor your efforts!

Bro. Ken