“What a wondrous time is spring when all the trees are budding, the birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming.” These words from a hymn remind us of all the changes that will take place in the world around us over the next few weeks. The days will gradually get longer, the weather warmer, the grass greener, and unfortunately, the bugs will also get busier!

As new life emerges from the earth, we’re reminded of the resurrection of Jesus who Himself emerged from the tomb in victory over death. And, because He defeated death, it can no longer defeat us. Jesus’ victory is our victory; because He lives, we can face death with a calm assurance that our last day on earth will be followed by an eternity in heaven.

Thank you for the continuing privilege of being the paster of Calvary Baptist Church. As we begin our with month together, I’m excited about what God has done, is doing, and will do with us as we labor together with Him. 

Bro. Ken